woman Fathuma Beefaanu‏‎
Born ‎ S. Hithadhoo
Died ‎ S. Hithadhoo
Moosa Kuda Ban'deyri Tahkurufaanu ge, Hithadhoo Bodugey Ali Thakurufaanu ge Fathuma Beefaanu

Married to:

man Ali Manikufaanu‏‎
Born ‎ S. Hithadhoo
Died ‎20 Jan 1791 S. Hithadhoo
Gan'duvaru Bodu Raha


man Ban'deyri Hassan Manikufaanu‏
Born ‎before 24 Jan 1746 S. Hithadhoo
Died ‎04 Apr 1807 S. Hithadhoo‎, at least 61 years
The famous poet who composed the raivaru of Dhiyo and Ari Athoulhu Arumaadhu. Buried in the cemetery of Thakurufaanu Mosque, S. Hithadhoo.
woman Khadeeja Manike‏‎
Born ‎ S. Hithadhoo
Died ‎ S. Hithadhoo
man Muhammad Thakurufaanu‏‎
Born ‎ S. Hithadhoo
Died ‎ S. Hithadhoo
Hithadhoo Thakurufaanu Mosque is attributed to him
woman Aishath Manike‏‎
Born ‎ S. Hithadhoo
Died ‎ S. Hithadhoo
man Moosa Manikufaanu‏
Born ‎ S. Hithadhoo

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