man Ibrahim‏‎
Born ‎ S. Gan
Died ‎ S. Gan
Koi Biya ge Ibrahim

Married to:

woman Mariyam‏‎
Born ‎before 1914 S. Gan
Died ‎ S. Gan, ‎1st marriage to: Ibrahim, 2nd marriage to: Ibrahim Manikufaanu
Valigey Mariya. Probably "Vligey" is referred to the house in the wood where they lived. This "Valigey" was passed down to her children and stepchildren as well.


woman Hawwa Dhiye‏
Born ‎ S. Gan
Died ‎16 Jul 2011 S. Feydhoo. Address: Mahulun'boage, S. Feydhoo

man Moosa Fathhy‏
Born ‎ S. Gan
Died ‎ S. Feydhoo. Address: Mohoreege, S. Feydhoo

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