man Ismail Manika‏‎
Born ‎ S. Gan
Died ‎ S. Gan
Ismeheli Manika, Gami Ismeheli Manika or Dhoboraagey Ismeheli Manika.

Married to:

woman Dhiye‏‎
Born ‎ S. Gan
Died ‎ S. Gan
According to her name is Elha Dhiye and she had other siblings like Athiragey Dhiye (mother of Katheeb Moosa Raha ), Athiragey Koi Biya, Athiragey Ibrahim Beyya, Athiragey Hussain Futha ( ) and Athiragey Sanfa Dhiye. Athiragey Kalah Aliya and Athiragey Edhuru Biya mentioned in this site seems to be the same person.

They all must be related but this information need to be verified.


man Moosa Manika‏
Born ‎before 1880 S. Gan
Died ‎ S. Gan
Commonly known as Athiragey Moosa, also known as Vali Moosa Biya, Athiragey Moosa Keulha, Ismeheli Manika ge Moosa Manika. According to some sources he used to live in a house built in the wood in Gan as he was a dedicated farmer. The name "vali" may be associated with this, but his wife was also called Vali Amin Dhaitha and his father-in-law was called Vali Maabiya. According to my calculation he must be born in the reign Sultan Muhammad Imaaduddeen IV (1835-1882)

2nd marriage
man Ismail Manika‏‎

Married to:

woman Rehen Didi‏‎
Born ‎ S. Gan
Died ‎ S. Gan, ‎1st marriage to: Ismail Manika, 2nd marriage to: Ali Manika
Aboo ge Rehen Didi. Her real name is unknown. Rehen Didi probably means Rehendhi Didi. Why did she get the name Rehendhi is unknown.


man Dhon Raha‏
Born ‎before 1855 S. Gan
Died ‎ S. Gan
Ismeheli Manika ge Dhon Raha, real name unknown
woman Rana‏
Born ‎ S. Gan
Died ‎ S. Gan
Ismeheli Manika ge Rana, real name unknown
woman Elha Rana‏
Born ‎ S. Gan
Died ‎ S. Gan
Ismeheli Manika ge Elha Rana, real name unknown

If you have found errors in these data or wish to contribute to the website, please contact me through the link on the Home Page.