man Thuththu Didi‏‎
Born ‎ S. Hithadhoo
Died ‎1976 S. Hithadhoo
Kakedimagi Thuththu Didi, no descendants.

According to the source, during the time when RAF was running an Air Base in Gan, he was working in Gan. He came home one day with a big cupboard on his shoulders, possibly presented by an Egnlish friend. He kept the cupboard in the front yard of the house, went inside the house and laid down on the swing in the living room. Later his family found him dead.

This was the time RAF were making the final preparation to leave the island for good. It was common in those day for the workers to get presents like this.

RAF left Gan in 1976, so it very probable that Thuththu Didi died in the same year.

Married to:

woman Khadeeja Didi‏‎
Born ‎ S. Hithadhoo, ‎1st marriage to: Thuththu Didi, 2nd marriage to: Muhammad Didi

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