woman Mariyam Didi‏‎
Born ‎ S. Hithadhoo
Mariyam Didi's father was mentioned as Meedhoo Kalha Futha in some notes. It has to be verified whether this Kalah Futha and Elha Futha Beyya are the same person.

Married to:

man Moosa Manik‏‎
Born ‎ S. Hithadhoo


man Hassan Didi‏‎
Born ‎ S. Hithadhoo
no descendants
woman Aminath Didi‏
Born ‎ S. Hithadhoo
woman Khadeeja Didi‏‎
Born ‎ S. Hithadhoo
no descendants
woman Zulaikha Didi‏
Born ‎ S. Hithadhoo

If you have found errors in these data or wish to contribute to the website, please contact me through the link on the Home Page.