woman Fathmath Didi‏‎
Born ‎ S. Hithadhoo
Died ‎ S. Hithadhoo
Kelaumagigey Fathuma Didi

Married to:

man Ali Didi‏‎
Born ‎ S. Hithadhoo
Died ‎ S. Hithadhoo

Elha Didi ge Ali Didi


woman Mariyam Didi‏
Born ‎ S. Hithadhoo
Died ‎ S. Hithadhoo

Elha Didi ge Ali Didi ge Mariyan Didi
woman Hawwa Didi‏
Born ‎ S. Hithadhoo
Died ‎ S. Hithadhoo
man Muhammad Didi‏
Born ‎ S. Hithadhoo
Died ‎ S. Hithadhoo
man Abdullah Afeef Didi‏
Born ‎1916 S. Hithadhoo
Died ‎04 Oct 1993 Seychelles‎, 76 or 77 years

The leader of the famous Southern Uprising and the president of the self-declared state of Suvaadheeb, which comprised the southern three atolls (Huvadhoo, Fuvahmulah and Addu), from 1959 to 1963.

After the uprising was over, the British gave him and his family sanctuary in Seychelles to protect them from possible persecution by Male Government. He and his family lived in Seychelles for the rest of their lives, and his children and grandchildren are still living there.

He made a short visit to his home island, Hithadhoo in the early 90s.

man Ahmed Didi‏‎
Born ‎ S. Hithadhoo
Died ‎ S. Hithadhoo
no descendants

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